Hello👋 My name is Ali Olalekan and I'll be taking you through my 1st day in my 30 days of Python Challenge. Do well to read till the end.
I started learning Python Programming through a GitHub profile I found on the internet and all I can say is wow. I learnt a lot today.
What I learnt
- I learnt about the Python shell and how to download Visual studio code on my PC
- I learnt the basic python syntax, indentation, comments and Data type ranging from (number➡️ string ➡️ Boolean ➡️ List ➡️ Dictionary ➡️ Tuples ➡️ Sets)
- I also learnt how to check data types
I did Exercise for Day 1
Answers to the exercise
It was fun learning Python today. I hope it's the same tomorrow of Forever.
Thank you so much for Joining me on my Python Journey.